The Aviation DataBase®


Your Connection to the 21st Century


System Description

DEMO DataBases
Shown below

Airworthiness Directives
Type Cert. Data Sheets
Supplemental Type Cert.
Federal Aviation Regs.
Advisory Circulars
FAA Orders

Test Data Downlaod

Prices & Order Forms
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   AMX    Discover

Special Request Files

The Aviation DataBase ®
Aviation DataSource, Inc.

Airworthiness Directives in a
Complete IA Regulatory Library!

The Aviation DataBase® is the largest collection of Aviation Regulatory Data outside the FAA; over 500,000 files are on this Server. It is updated daily and maintained in a very user friendly way. It is very intuitive and easy to use, however, it has become so large that it is now appropriate to provide some detailed explanation of each of the functional areas.

The Links below will load and display an Audiovisual Tutorial on the various parts and features of the System. They require the Adobe Flash Player, which should be on most modern computers. If it is not on your computer, you can get it with the Link below. Some of the longer Tutorials may take up to a minute to load on machines with high-speed Internet connections. Your speakers may have to be adjusted to hear the sound. If you need to leave the presentation before it has finished, some versions on the Adobe Flash Player may require that you press the "Stop" (square) button at the lower right of the display panel to stop the Tutorial first.

If, after lessening to these Tutorials, you have any questions; call us at: 800-952-8844.

Video Demo/Tutorial Files

Getting Started

System Requirements

Daily Activity

Basic Browser Functions

Find ADs by Number

Do an AD Search

Service Bulletins

Compliance Reports

Type Certificate Data Sheets

Appliance ADs

STC System

Biweekly Issues

Advisory Circulars

Editable Forms

Repair Stations


Mechanic's Toolbox

What's New

Get Adobe Flash Player

Each Tutorial will end with instructions to use your Browser's Back Button to return to this Page, or a "Thank You". The Flash Player when combined with some Browser versions on some Operating Systems will pause after each slide. If the presentation appears to have stopped, scroll to the bottom of the slide and click on the "double right arrow" to kick the file to the next slide.

Aviation DataSource, Inc.
Denver, Colorado  Copyright 1992 - 2009 All rights reserved
Phone: (800) 952-8844; E-Mail:

 The Aviation DataBase is a registered trademark of Aviation DataSource, Inc.
Copyright 1992 - 2009. Aviation DataSource, Inc. All Rights Reserved.